Customizing Stage Graphics

The stage graphic layout is specified a file called stage.ini. The stage is composed from a number of layers which are drawn on top of each other. Each layer can have zero or more animation effects attached to it.

Specifying layers

Each layer is specified in a section called layerN, where N is an ascending number that specifies at which point the layer is drawn. The first layer is called layer1. Each layer section can have the following settings (default value in parenthesis):
Setting Effect
xres Power-of-two width of the layer texture. This setting is limited by the screen resolution (256)
yres Power-of-two height of the layer texture. This setting is limited by the screen resolution (256)
xscale X scale factor (1)
yscale Y scale factor (1)
texture Texture file name, i.e. SVG file name. Reuse the same texture multiple times if possible to conserve memory.
angle Layer angle in degrees (0)
src_blending Source blending factor, one of zero, one, dst_color, one_minus_dst_color, src_alpha, one_minus_src_alpha, dst_alpha, one_minus_dst_alpha, src_alpha_saturate (src_alpha)
dst_blending Destination blending factor, one of zero, one, dst_color, one_minus_dst_color, src_alpha, one_minus_src_alpha, dst_alpha, one_minus_dst_alpha, src_alpha_saturate (one_minus_src_alpha)
color_r Red color component (1)
color_g Green color component (1)
color_b Blue color component (1)
color_a Alpha color component (1)
foreground If 1, the layer is drawn on top of other game graphics such as the fretboard (0)

Specifying layer effects

A layer effect controls the size, position or color of a layer during gameplay. Each layer can have multiple effecst, which get applied in order. An effect is specified in a section called layerN:fxM, where N is the number of the layer that the effect is attached to and M is the effect number, starting from one. An effect can have the following settings:
Setting Effect
type Effect type, one of light, rotate, wiggle, scale
intensity Effect intensity or weight (1)
trigger What event triggers the effect, one of none, beat, quarterbeat, pick, miss (none)
period Effect period in milliseconds. An effect triggered by the beat or quarterbeat will have the corresponding period set automatically (500)
delay Trigger delay in periods (0)
profile Trigger profile, one of step, linstep, smoothstep, sinstep (linstep)
The various types of effects have the following extra parameters:

Light effect

Setting Effect
light_number Light ordinal number, controls color change delay (0)
ambient Ambient light level (0.5)
contrast Light contrast (0.5)

Scale effect

Setting Effect
xmagnitude Horizontal scaling magnitude (0.1)
ymagnitude Vertical scaling magnitude (0.1)

Wiggle effect

Setting Effect
frequency Wiggling frequency multiplier (6)
xmagnitude Horizontal wiggling magnitude (0.1)
ymagnitude Vertical wiggling magnitude (0.1)

Rotate effect

Setting Effect
angle Extreme angle of rotation in degrees (45)